“I feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess, when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved.”― Soren Kierkegaard
I could not decide which one I liked best so I am uploading both here and on flickr and I just loved them both so much. I have had a few days of frustrating moments at work this week and though I do not endorse smoking, I did picture myself having a cig once or twice this week. I hope you are all having a good Saturday though. I am drinking a huge cup of coffee after my morning run and nap lol. Take care lovely souls xoxo
~ Kimmy Ridley's Look Of The Day ~
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0.2
Head: LeLUTKA Ryn Head 2.0
Shape: Freya Shape for Lelutka Ryn 2.0
Hair: tram J0324 hair
Clothing: -Pixicat- Stella.Shorts - Grey (Maitreya) and -Pixicat- Siren.Top nr2 - Black (Maitreya)
Accessories: AZOURY - Borderline Necklace, AZOURY - Borderline Bracelet 1, AZOURY - Borderline Bracelet 2, and AZOURY - Borderline Earring
Tattoo: *Bolson / Tattoo - Odric (Fresh) (C)
Pose: Gravity Poses GP Smoke 1
Location: Fusion City