“... everyone knows that ice cream is worth the trouble of being cold. Like all things virtuous, you have to suffer to gain the reward.”― Brandon Sanderson
Everly takes a well deserved break from working at the Elixir Emporium and popped over to Florean Fortescue Ice cream for her favourite pistachio and chocolate sundae:) Some days in the summer deserve that extra little treat during lunch break. Everly loves the way that the world goes by her as she sits down takes a spoon full of sundae and reads her book.
~ Everly Eibon-Davenport's Look Of The Day ~
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0.2
Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.0
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Witch way - Cense - Fades
Outfit: Nishi: Uniform 2020 Hat, Nishi: Uniform 2020 [u] Top for Jumper (Lara), Nishi: Uniform 2020 [u] Jumper (Lara), Nishi: Uniform 2020 Skirt (Lara), and Nishi: Uniform 2020 Tie (Lara)
Earrings: Purr - The Hallows - Silver (Left)
Glasses: comet. + Ice cream sauce glasses + {swedish toffee}
Pet: .banana peel. + pygmy hippogriff + {dusk}
Wand: Kore Claudia’s Wand
Pose: LULUSTUFF Immobulus Bento Wand Pose Set - Immobulus05-righty
Location: Mischief Managed Diagon Alley