"Don’t be so thirsty for validation that you drink from every cup that is handed to you. It is the best way to get poisoned." —CKP, Finding Avalon
Sunday evenings in lock down have become a little less organised for me, but that is okay. I have never been a soul who does not like Monday's, but I have found that I am more relaxed on a Sunday this past 2 months of lock down. I hope I can carry it on even when Monday's have a proper alarm again:) I am highlighting many new things here today, so please check all credits:) xoxo
~ Kimmy Ridley's Look Of The Day ~
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0.2
Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.4
Skin: [Glam Affair] Jadri Applier [ Lelutka ] 010
Hair: [monso] My Hair - Jullie (m/ typeA/ plus)
Lingerie: -Narcisse- Reya Bra Harness Top - ML - Berry, -Narcisse- Reya Garter - ML - Berry, and -Narcisse- Reya Thong Panties - ML - Berry
~ Decor ~
Soy. Cigarette and ashtray
Soy. Potted Olive Tree
Soy. Green Plants Wall Panel
dust bunny . papasan chair . white wood . adult
PLAAKA WaterHyacinthLeaves
JIAN Baby Sloths :: Hanging Sloth (2li) and JIAN Baby Sloths :: Clinger Sloth (Wear me!)