"I’m not black, but I see you. I’m not black, but I hear you. I’m not black, but I mourn with you. I’m not black, but I see the injustice that you face daily. I’m not black, but I see your fear for your sons and even your daughters. I’m not black, but I will stand with you."
This past week has seen a hectic amount of violence, protesting, and rioting. It was so heart breaking watching George Floyd begging to be able to breathe. I was in tears and felt righteous anger. I wanted to hurt that officer. I wanted to take all their badges. I wanted those men to truly understand that pain. I watched with wide eyes as George was saying, "please, I can't breathe" and "don't kill me," and my whole being gave a shudder. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. This is not right. The cop has been arrested and charged, but George is still dead and cities are burning. It is not right that people are dying because of the colour of their skin. Yes, the riots have gone over board with looting, stealing, and fires, but they are screaming for the injustices that have been upon them for centuries. The GeorgeFloyd protests are “symbolic of a wider, more deeply rooted structural problem in how communities in the U.S. are policed on an everyday basis,” Clifford Stott, a professor of social psychology. This should not be a norm.
How can you help in the fight against racism?
Firstly acknowledge that the country you are living in also has a problem. It is not a US problem, it is a world problem. Educate yourselves and the people around you. Do not stand in silence when an older family member says something racist. If you stand in silence, you stand with hatred.
Here is a link to many resources that can be used to educate your self and to help: Ways to Help
It does not matter what the colour of your skin is, you need to educate yourself and stand up against racism. Use your platforms to help rather than fuel the fire that is spreading through out every nation. Do not fool yourself in thinking your country is exempt. Education. Education. Education. Do not forget their names. Say them. Teach your children about them. Do not forget what racism can cause. Do not stand in silence. Here is a list of sources you can use to start educating yourself: ANTIRACIST ALLYSHIP STARTER PACK
“It's not putting black lives on a pedestal, I don't even know what that means," I said, my heart beating fast. "It's saying that black lives, at this point, and historically, do not, and have not mattered, and that they should!"
~ Look Of The Day ~
Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Luka.1.2
Skin: LeLUTKA.Face.Luka.001 and LeLUTKA.Mature.Drk
Hair: Volkstone Thomas Hairbase / 001