What is BOM? Bakes on Mesh is a feature to allow system avatar baked textures to be shown on mesh attachments.
To get your avatar into Bakes on Mesh mode please follow these steps:
1) Make sure you have your Mesh body and Mesh head on.
2) Very important to REMOVE ALL ALPHAS. Please check your worn items in your inventory or your wearing slot in appearance.
3) Activate your BOM on your body and head. Open your head/body HUD and find the BOM button and click it on.
4) Add the BOM skin for your body on first unless it comes in full body.
5) Add the BOM head skin on next
There you go. You should now be in full BOM body state.
If you are wearing applier eyes please choose the correct alpha. It will most likely have the ‘applier eyes’ in the name. If you are adding BOM layers over your skin, please check order of this in edit outfit section of your appearance tab. You can find it by clicking the screw driver icon in appearance. You can replace/edit your body and eyebrow shape to whatever you wish. To edit shape, please right click avatar and edit shape. To edit eyebrows, please right click on the eyebrows and click edit.